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Resident Evil 2 Remake Easy First Boss

Resident Evil 2 (1998) is home to one of the best set of bosses in survival horror history. Resident Evil 2 (2019) is a bit more debatable in that regard, but the combat is so good, and the bosses are so well designed in general, that it's hard not to have fun in every single boss encounter. Disappointingly, not every boss made the turn-over– with the alligator turned into a set-piece– but all the big fights are here.

Like with the original game, Resident Evil 2 (2019) does a fantastic job building up William through his G Stage fights. Of the six major boss fights in the game, G makes up five . That's a lot to repeat a boss, but each stage is a completely new encounter with its own gimmick and challenge. 1998's bosses may be better on a whole, but 2019 pulls its weight.

6 G2

Here's a quick, easy way to kill G2 as Leon: toss a flash grenade at him, spray him with fire, toss another, spray him again. If players hit the crane's button shortly after stunning William and then again as soon as it was available, G2 will be knocked off the platform in one go, ending the fight and saving players a ton of ammo.

It's not as methodically easy for Claire, but it's still simple enough to get done. There's no real reason to unload ammo either, as two goes around will be enough to knock G2 off. Just dodge, be patient, and he'll go down easily. It's not that exciting of a fight, but it makes for an incredibly tense encounter on a first playthrough!

5 G5

Final bosses should be a highlight of any game– and Resident Evil 2 's certainly is– but G5 doesn't really offer much as far as "fights" go. It's a fantastic set-piece, one that gets increasingly more horrifying as William inches closer to consuming Leon, Claire, and Sherry, but that's it. It doesn't go beyond the spectacle.

That's not a particularly bad thing, but it does make G5 a rather underwhelming way to end the game. It does make sense to some degree, though. At this point, players will have naturally exhausted most of their ammo. It's entirely possible to get here without the confidence to go on. Thankfully, G5 is scripted to some degree.

By unloading into G5 with Leon or Claire's ammo, players can then knife G5 once he reveals his eyeball. So long as players time it right, G5 should go down in three to four swings. This is even easier to pull off in the PC release where the uncapped frame rate actually influences how much damage the knife does (the higher, the better.)

4 G1

Running into William for the first time is overwhelming as either Leon or Claire. He comes out of nowhere, immediately jumps the player, and thrusts them into one of the tensest boss fights in the game. At this point, especially in each character's first scenario, Leon and Claire won't necessarily have the ammo to fight back comfortably.

Unfortunately, Leon will have to put in some more effort. Players will most likely need to rely on their handgun to take out William's eyeballs, and needing to use such a weak gun so early in the game makes for a very memorable fight. It's worth noting, however, that Claire has an easier time overall as her Grenade Launcher is better suited for boss fights. Leon, unfortunately, doesn't have that luxury with his Shotgun.

Either way, G1 is one of the best fights in the game. He slowly follows the player around and letting linger for too long results in him quietly hunting the player. It's genuinely frightening and the boss arena's tight corridors make each turn a matter of Fine or Caution.

3 G3

Although Claire can utterly decimate G3 with her Acid Rounds, he's intended to be one of the more challenging battles in the game. Leon, especially, will need to make sure he's hitting William's eyes to actually fell him with ammo to spare (which players will need on either scenario.) Plus, even as Claire, players who don't have enough Gunpowder to craft Acid Rounds will have to rely on their other ammo.

G3 is William at his near sturdiest. He can tank damage, dish damage, and he will kill Leon or Claire if players let their guard down for even a second. Just keep a steady aim and don't stand still for too long. He's aggressive, but he does let his guard down every now and again.

Worth noting, Leon's first scenario is the only scenario where G3 marks the last time players fight William. The three other scenarios either include G4, G5, or in the case of Claire's second scenario, both.

2 Super Tyrant

After spending an entire game running from Mr. X, there's something incredibly cathartic about facing off against him once and for all in both of Leon's scenarios. If players managed their ammo well enough, they should be able to head into the fight with more than enough to survive long enough for Ada to drop Leon the Rocket Launcher, but this can be a daming fight otherwise.

Players only need to survive for a minute and a half, but Mr. X hits hard as the Super Tyrant. Even with an R+G+B herb mix, he can take Leon from Fine to near Danger with a single swipe. He's a boss who players either must dodge or must have enough healing to survive the onslaught in their path. Thankfully, there are ways to stun him, but don't get too eager on Leon's second scenario: He's going to need that ammo for G5.

If there's one thing holding back this fight, it's the fact that players don't really need to fight back. It's a shame, but it also completely fits Mr. X as a character. Even in the final fight against him, players can't only survive. The tide only turns when Ada intervenes.

1 G4

Claire's final boss in her first run is as good as Resident Evil 2 's bosses get. At this point in the game, players will most likely be at the end of their ropes. G3 will surely have drained all of Claire's Acid Rounds, leaving players to rely on their other weaponry. Thankfully there's a minigun lying around, but even all of its ammo isn't enough to fell G4.

What's worse, William goes utterly manic as G4, climbing around, dropping down, and lunging from just about everywhere. At the end of the fight, he'll desperately drag himself on the floor, following Claire around the arena. At this stage, his convenient eyeball weak points are getting harder and harder to hit, adding some last-minute tension to an already tense finale.

It's a morbid and pitiful sight, but one that shows how visceral and subtly emotional horror in Resident Evil 2 is. These are real people. They're afraid, they're suffering, and they're dying. Claire's fight against G4 is a duel to the death, and while it doesn't have the same "epic" quality of using a rocket launcher at the final hour, it's a better designed fight overall.

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